Electromechanical Cam Timers

Product Features
- Modular assembly cam timers
- 2, 4 or 6 output versions
- Cycle times from 3 seconds to 24 hours
- One on/off period per cycle
- 24Vac, 115Vac or 230Vac versions
- Screw adjustable cams (tool supplied)
The Tempatron electromechanical cam timers are available in modular kits for assembly or can be supplied fully assembled. The timers are available in 2 cam, 4 cam and 6 cam versions and with cycle times (one revolution) from 3 seconds to 24 hours. A complete timer gives one on/off switching period per cam, per cycle, and requires an assembly frame, gear kit, gearbox housing and clip, drive motor and either 2, 4 or 6 standard V3 microswitches. Synchronous drive motors are available in 24Vac, 115Vac or 230Vac versions and the gear kits are colour coded for ease of assembly.
Key Terms: Tempatron - 5002 - 5004 - 5006 - AM40 - AM41 - AM42 - AM59 - AM23 - AM24 - AM25 - AM02 - Cam Timer - Electromechanical - Cycle Timer - 329351 - 337683 - 337699